White Wolf Woodcarving

My grandfather made us a Pegs and Jokers game that we started playing with friends and family. Every time we played the game with friends, they would ask us where to get the game. So, we started making them by hand. I made a design of my own and created jigs to use in the table saw and drill press to make the pegs and jokers game pieces. We then purchased our first CNC in the late fall of 2020. We were able to get our Christmas orders completed in time and started venturing out after Christmas.
Business picked up quickly for us. A mountains 3D board was one of our first crib boards. We now have 2 carving CNC’s and a 2 laser CNC machines.
Our family loves playing board games, so this is a fun venture for us. It’s fun creating something to be our own, that the family can enjoy together. We have a 4-year-old, so this business allows us the flexibility of having a functioning family life and time off in the summer months.
We hope you love our products, and we look forward to hearing from you
Ryan and Steph




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