Earth & Abundance Gifts

As a child, I sat for hours with my best friend crushing pebbles with larger stones, oohing and awwwwing at the beautiful colors within each pebble. I carried stones in my pocket, oblivious to the mesmerizing fidgets they became for me. When landscaping our acreage, I hand picked trailer upon trailer full of rocks of all sizes, bringing them home to create the rock gardens and flowerbed borders throughout our acreage. My littles used to bring me “special rocks”. Those special rocks multiplied quickly, but EVERY one was “special” and great offence was taken when my kids realized I had freed those stones back into nature. So, I used them to decorate the inside of my home, filling vases and trinket dishes and display platters with all of my “special rocks”. It was in my favourite Rocky Mountain community that I first seen a gemstone tree. I was intrigued with its design and was determined to try and make my own! When covid came and the world slowed down, I seized the opportunity to learn more about crystals and delve into the hobby of creating gemstone trees and crafts. I am a hobbyist…. who loves rocks and crystals! I do not have a work schedule, nor do I have a pattern or design that I follow, and I definitely can not reproduce two of a kind of any of my creations!! I create when I need an escape. I follow my heart and build from there! I forage most of my supplies: the wood, the moss, the pine cones and I purchase my gemstones from Alberta based businesses. To find something I love and be able to share with others through Farmstead Market storefront is one of life’s blessings!




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