CountryGirl Stitches

I am a working at home mom of 2 busy boys; Barrett is 2, and Easton 8 months. My overly supportive husband works in the oilfield, and spends a lot of time out in the field, away from home. I am a small town country girl, born and raised, and continue to live on a farm where we home a wide array of random animals. Besides sewing, I enjoy country living, baking, and crafting of any sort really.

My strong passion for sewing started at a very young age, making small quilts just for fun. It has continued into this business which I present to you with great pride. I love creating unique, quality products for your littles to enjoy. The clothing line has been my newest addition to my collection. I was needing to make my sons some matching outfits and this was the best way to get what I was looking for!

I hope you enjoy your purchases, and I thank you personally for supporting local small business.

~ Miranda




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